아카데미2013. 8. 25. 20:06


Negative Income Tax


Negative income tax was first used by American economist Milton Friedman (1912- ) to describe a form of income maintenance which aims to bring low-income households living below the subsistence level up to a minimum income level set by the government.

M Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (Chicago, 1962)



=> A proposal to combine income tax and social security in a single system. Under this system, all citizens would report their pre-tax incomes; they would then pay tax if their incomes after deducting any allowances to which they were entitled came above some cut-off level, and would receive payments if their income was below the cut-off.





To this point, I haven't posted anything about economics which is strange because this is one of my favorite subjects. I guess a good place to start would be my favorite hypothetical tax model. I say hypothetical because it has never been done and probably never will, but it's fun to talk about.

I am an advocate of the negative income tax, a tax structure advocated by Milton Friedman. Its actually pretty simple. I would darn near say this is the simplest tax structure there ever could be. To begin with, you eliminate the entire welfare system. You also eliminate minimum wage. In their place, you create a minimum yearly income. For this example we'll use a minimum income is 10,000 dollars. That means, every single person in the country gets a guaranteed 10,000 dollars.

Then the current tax system would be completely eliminated. In it's place would be a flat tax. Let's put it at 25%. This would make doing and collecting taxes much easier. Based on the given figures, here are some different scenarios:

1. Someone making 4,000 dollars a year would be taxed 1,000 dollars. However, they would then recieve the 10,000 dollars from the government making their net income 13,000 dollars.

2. Someone making 40,000 dollars a year would be taxed 10,000 dollars but they would recieve 10,000 form the government. This would make 40,000 dollars the break-even point.

3. Someone making a million dollars a year would be taxed 250,000 dollars and would recieve 10,000 from the government. This would mean their net income would be 760,000 dollars. I got these examples from wikipedia. I'm much too lazy to come up with my own numbers if I don't have to.

I like this system because it gives the poorest more of an incentive to work. Many people recieving welfare have no incentive to work because they lose their welfare. I also like it because it gives everybody something. I'm not saying it will be easy but If you take that 10,000 dollars with whatever else you are earning and use it wisely, you can advance yourself. You can get yourself out of the cycle of poverty. You can survive an unexpected illness. You can afford to take some community college courses. This system is not perfect but I think it is a lot better than what we have.


Posted by 스탠스
My way/CFA 관련2013. 8. 20. 22:50

Session 18, Leading #76 Altanative Investments 요약정리 3



Real Estate Investment


Real Estate Investment의 특징
: 개별 Real Estate 의 자산은 시장가격을 정확히 결정하는데 어려움이 있고 유동

  성이 낮으며  다른 자산보다 거래비용이 높다.


(1) categories of real estate investments
 - Outright Ownership
 - Leveraged equity position
 - Mortagage
 - Aggregation vechicles (limited partnerships, commingled funds, and REITs)


(2) Real Estate Index의 종류 (부동산 가격지수의 계산방법에 따라 두 가지로 분류)
  -Based on appraised values for the real estate : 부동산 감정평가액을 기초로 산

   출, FRC index, NCREIF 등이 있다.
   이러한 계산방법을 따르면 부동산 가격의 volatility가 낮고 다른 asset class와

   correlation도 낮기 때문에 portfolio에서 차지하는 비중이 커지게 되는 것이 결점
- REITs의 가격을 기초로 산출 : NAREIT Index


Valuation of Real Estate


(1)  Cost method : 부동산의 가격을 토지가격에 repalcement cost를 합한 것으로


(2) Sales comparison method
 - uses the price of a similar property or properties from recent transactions.
   This approach cannot be used in an illiquid market without recent comparable

- Hedinic price estimation : 부동산가격의 결정요인들이 부동산 가격에 대해

                                    regress & analyze.

(3) NOI method (income method)
- NOI is a simplified estimate based on annual gross rental revenues minus

  operating expenses.
 : operating expenses = vacancy, collection costs, taxes, insurance, utilities,

    maintenance 등
  단, income tax, depreciation, interest를 비용으로 고려하지 않음.


- uses s DCF model to estimate the PV of the future income
  V = NOI / r        r: required rate of income


- After tax CF for real estate = ( NOI - dep. - int.) * (1-t) + dep. -    principal


(4) DCF method
-NPV가 0보다 크면 투자하거나 , IRR이 Cost of capital보다 크면 투자.
-이론적으로 우월하지만 부동산의 현금흐름을 추정하기 어렵다는 단점


Venture Capital Investment


Venture Capital Investment의 특징
- Venture Capital Investments are private,non-exchange-traded equity investments

   in a business
   Investments are usually made through limited partnerships, with investors

   anticipating relatively high returns  in exchange for the illiquidity and high-risk



*Long-term investment horizon
*Difficulty in valuation
*Limited data
*Entrepreneurial / management mismatches
*Fund manager incentive mistakes
*Timing in the business cycle
*Requirement for extensive operations analsys


Stage of venture capital investing


1. Seed stage : 사업계획을 구체화 하거나 R&D에 자금을 지원하는 단계
2. Start-up financing stage : complet product development and fund initial markets
3. First-stage finacing stage : 제품의 상업적 생산 및 판매에 자금을 지원하는단계
4. Formative stage
5. Later stage : Marketable goods are in production and sales efforts are under

                     way, but the company is still privately held. second stage에서는

                     이미 제품을 생산, 판매하고는 있으나 아직 이익을 실현하고 있지

                     는 않은 기업에 자금을 투입하는 단계.
                     Third stage는 기존 기업의 확장에 자금을 제공하는 단계.
                     Venture company가 IPO 및 상장하기 위해 필요한 절차들을 거치

                     는 것을  Mezzaine 또는 bridge financing이라고 한다.

Posted by 스탠스