'bills'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.08.25 아메로 - 09.10.21 쟝크리스토프님
배움블로그2013. 8. 25. 18:35

이런것도 있었군요...

재미삼아 볼거리인지는 잘 모르겠지만...

별별 생각이 다드는 요즘인지라...

번역은 능력자분들께...^^;;;

The AMERO, Leaked Photos!!

FEDERALJACK)   These pictures were sent to me a little over two weeks ago.  Before posting them I made sure that I looked them over with extreme prejudice.  I have seen other photos of supposed Ameros before so I wanted to make sure these weren’t some crappy homemade hoax.  I have to tell you, after hours of checking them over, they look like the real deal.  A few examples of why I came to this conclusion are the water marks and the special light reactive paper they use to make the bills.  There are some shots of the money in natural light and you can see, under close inspection that the security features on our new 20’s and 5’s match up with the security features on the Amero’s.  You will notice the world bank in print and used as a watermark.  You will also notice the logo of the “North American Union”.    Don’t take my word for it, check them out yourself.  Take the time to look at them very carefully.  You can decide for yourself, but as for me, I believed they were real enough to post the photos.

Posted by 스탠스