아카데미2013. 8. 20. 11:04

Chapter 1 Summary 



15. 신명석(Stance)

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Chatper 1 Needed:people-centered managers and workplaces



 According to the paragraph.Organizational Behavior is necessary to run the company,KPMG, such as auditing company. The company tries to build human and social capital through mind education that all employees are all leader.


 1. Managers get results with and through others

 What means management? Management means process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives efficiently and ethically.

 1) The 4Ps cycle of continuous improvement

  • People : skill development, motivation, teamwork
  • Products : better quality goods and services, greater customer satisfaction, job creation
  • Process : technological advancement, faster product development and production cycle times
  • Productivity : reduced waste, reduced rework, more efficient use of material, human,financial, and informational resources

 2) Evolution of the 21st-century manager


Past Managers

Future Managers

Primary role

Order giver, controller

Facilitator, coach, partner

Learning and knowledge

Periodic learning

Continuous life-long learning

Compensation criteria

Time, effort, rank

Skills, results

View of people

Potential problem

Primary resource

Approach to change





2. The field of organizational behavior : past and present

Organizational behavior, commonly referred to as OB,is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. By definition, organizational behavior is both research and application oriented.

1) The human relations movement

  •  The hawthorne legacy : Interviews conducted decades later with three subjects of the Hawthorne studies and reanalysis of the original data with modern statistical techniques do not suppor initial conclusions about the positive effect of supportive supervision. The human relations movement gathered momentum through the 1950s, as academics and managers alike made stirring claims about the powerful effect that individual needs, supportive supervision, and group dynamics apparently had on job performance.
  • McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
  • Theory X

    Theory Y

    1.Most people dislike work; they avoid it when they can.

    1. Work is a natural activity, like play or rest.

    2.Most people must be coerced and threatened with punishment before they will work. People require close direction when they are working.

    2. People are capable of self-direction and self-control if they are committed to objectives.

    3.Most people actually prefer to be directed. They tend to avoid responsibility and exhibit little ambition. They are interested only in security.

    3.People generally become committed to organizational objectives if they are rewarded for doing so.


    4. They typical employee can learn to accept and seek responsibility.



Posted by 스탠스